July 27, 2024


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Three Quartet Accessories You Need For Your Whiteboard

Three Quartet Accessories You Need For Your Whiteboard

When it comes to high-quality whiteboards,Quartet is the expression of the game. This bunch manufactures some of thebest markerboards available and they’re sizeable for use at home, in theclassroom, and at job They moreover make all the supplies you’ll deficiency toget the most out of your board such as mocking exclude markers, erasers, andeven the abstergent you commit want to obtain your markerboard looking as goodas new Here are the three Quartet accessories you privation for yourwhiteboard.

Three Quartet Accessories You Need For Your Whiteboard

Three Quartet Accessories You Need For Your Whiteboard

When it comes to high-quality whiteboards,Quartet is the expression of the disabled This team manufactures some of thebest markerboards available and they’re big for use at home, in theclassroom, and at task They moreover make all the supplies you’ll deficiency toget the most out of your board such as derisory exclude markers, erasers, andeven the cleanser you’ll absence to obtain your markerboard looking as goodas new. Here are the three Quartet accessories you deficiency for yourwhiteboard

1.) Dry-erase markers First and foremost, you’re going to dearth theright benign of markers to use with your board. Although it may betempting to use a Sharpie or more durable marker, it’s notrecommended At all Non-dry miss markers can really do a number onyour board. If you can even attain the ink off, you’ll probably find thatthe surface is now stained So use profit markers that were speciallydesigned for whiteboards, especially those made by Quartet Theirmarkers come in a pile of vast colors including black, green, and red(Funkier colors are available in the company’s Screamers lineup such aspurple and willing orange.) The ink in these pens is non-toxic and lacksthe annoying odor that lifelong markers scatter If you’re going to thump the board a desire time, consider receipt some Quartet ComfortTechpens. They’re ergonomically helpful and are soft to the touch, sousing them is extremely comfortable

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2.) Erasers. It’s needed to miss your board after you use it,otherwise you run the stake of the ink staining it, especially if it’s alower-end cause To do this, you’ll deprivation erasers that were designed tobe used with markerboards Quartet makes some of the elite erases,including ones that are designed for mammoth surfaces and were designedto be ergonomically sociable They besides make Prestige Marker BoardEraser. This product’s pad can be replaced so you’ll be able to use theeraser for years All of Quartet’s erasers commit wipe away the writingon the board, so you can own a healthy surface when you deprivation it

3.) Surface cleaners. Cleaning your whiteboard on a average reason willensure that you can gain the maximum life out of it, especially if yourboard’s surface is made from melamine. Not cleaning your board can leadto ghosting, which never looks wellbeing Quartet whiteboard cleaners areavailable in spray bottles and wipes. The wipes are especiallyconvenient because you fair use one once and then shy it There’s nomess involved and they’re furthermore feasible on your hands All of Quartet’scleaning products are non-toxic and can be used on nearly anymarkerboard.

If you keep a whiteboard, Quartet makes the prime accessories you canuse with it From mocking drop markers to cleaners, the crew does itall Treat yourself to some of these supplies today so you can obtain themost out of your board and posses it in profit knead for a long case tocome.